I was excited to go because I had read all about how eco-friendly Maui BrewCo is. Everything is recycled, reclaimed, or reused, from the water, to the sun that powers it, the restaurant's spent vegetable oil is used for bio-diesel, even the spent grain is used to feed local livestock. I was really excited to see this place, my friends were excited to drink beer. These are the friends that managed to put away 5 cases of beer in 4 days. There were 3 of us. Is that a lot? Oh, and I didn't drink much beyond "research" because I had so much wedding stuff going on so call it 2.5 people Vs. 5 cases of beer.
Ok, so I dragged my friends on a 45 minute drive past Lahaina to get there. I was a little dissappointed because the brewery was closed for tours so we could only go to the restaurant. But the beer, oh the beer. Commercially I had only been able to get my hands on 3 different Maui styles. Their ,Coconut Porter(Reviewed), their Big Swell IPA, and their Bikini Blonde but they actually brew well over 11 different styles. I'll be reviewing several of them in the coming days mixed in with others I've been backburnering.