That’s why I was really excited when I found a homebrew club in Orange County that wasn’t on the borders of LA or San Diego or out in the BFE of the IE. There is a new homebrew shop in Fullerton people! 10 minutes from my house! AND the shop was hosting the next meeting of BrewCommune, the club I found.
I showed up WAY early because there was no traffic which was totally weird but it was great because I got to meet the owner of the shop. Really nice guy. I didn’t have my own homebrew to bring but I wanted to bring something respectable so I brought a 22 of Deschutes Brewing “The Abyss” Imperial Stout. He offered the fridge, his knowledge, AND a fresh brewed Kolsch to me while we waited for others to arrive.

As an aside, since my bike buddy left for Minnesota and my beer buddy left for Germany I’ve been hard pressed for replacements and I was able to find one who does both AND lives a stone’s throw from where I work! We are going to split a share of home brew as he has all the equipment. 2.5 gallons I think I can deal with. Look for an update on what we come up with as well as the reviews of what I drank last night.
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