Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Big Sky IPA

Sorry about the cruddy picture. I have had this beer several times and I can't seem to do two things. One, take a picture of me actually drinking it, and two, actually drink it from a glass.

I am a little self conscious when it comes to my beer snobbery. When everyone is drinking out of the bottle I feel a little pretentious if I ask for a glass, let alone, bring my own! Anyone else? I mean, my first wine tasting at a friend's house I brought my own glass, was castigated for it, and ever since I'm a little gun shy.

The most recent Big Sky I pulled out was at a birthday party for Rog. He's turning 30, what an old man. I know from experience that this beer pours a slightly coppery hazy color. Pretty typical for an IPA. Not too orangey, not too pale. The bubbles are perfect. Since this is only a single IPA they can tend to be a little too carbonated for me but this is not the case with Big Sky.

If you have read this blog before I do have a little nostalgia with Big Sky Brewery going back to a trip to Yellowstone in the winter. It involved snowmobiling and -39 degree weather(windchill). The first brew I had after coming back was actually Big Sky's Moose Drool, (reviewed here) a brown ale. The love affair begins.

This one has a little pine on the nose but mostly it smells a little sweet. This carries over to the taste as it has some bitterness but ends on a sugary, citrusy note. Very good refreshing IPA. Leaves you wanting another one. One of the reasons I bought a case.

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