I managed to make it through my fast ride through a cold hell. The streets were eery. One or two cars, a fading twilight, and nowhere to go because the lanes were hemmed in by 10 foot tall walls of snow and ice. We stopped off at what I remember to be a pizza place on the way back to our hotel.
The pizza was good but they had Moose Drool on tap. I'm not going to lie, I ordered it because of the name. My mom and I still talk about the trip every time we see Moose Drool somewhere. It's fitting that a beer reminds us of good times. If you ever travel with my family, more likely than not a familiar answer to the question, "Where do you want to eat"? Will be answered with, "Somewhere we can get a beer."
Moose Drool pours a deep chocolate brown with a large tan head. The aroma is roasty, toasty, and slightly sweet. The taste is similar. Creamy mouthfeel, brown bread, yeast, and nuttiness covers up a bit of the bitterness that is present for balance. Not too thin not too thick, malty without being syrupy sweet. This beer is just well balanced and at 5.1% ABV it could be a session beer. If you see it somewhere definitely pick up a six, it's not expensive either which is a total boon! My favorite brown ale by far.
German, if you are reading, browns are your thing, pick this up.
I'll snag it for shizzle.