Being the big nerd that I am, I really enjoy the scientific process of how things are made. Yes, I was that kid who took things apart and put them back togethersorta. Food is so cool to me because it really is all just science wrapped up in a pretentious artsy package. You have some pioneers in the molecular gastronomy world breaking down the mystique like Hervé This and chef Pierre Gagnaire and their quest for the perfectly cooked egg. Proteins are splendorous things that are completely predictable. They fold specific ways and change in specific ways relative to their treatments. Heat, cold, chemicals, all effect them in certain ways. The great thing is that with technology we can control these conditions to mold food to our liking.
The same can be said for alcohol. Whereas before in the middle ages they viewed fermentation as a "magical" occurance we now know that it is due to microscopic organisms called yeast.
Yeast come in many different forms and they all impart a different flavor to those beverages we all know and love. The use and control of those yeasts along with the food(sugars) we give them is what makes Budweiser taste like well, nothing, and a craft brew taste like, well, much better.
So in a roundabout way I guess I've tried to explain foodmented. It's food, and fermented, combined.
Just like I'm a nerd and a foodie combined.