Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Moylan's Kilt Lifter Scotch Ale

My top three styles would have to be Double IPA, Belgian strong ale, and Scotch Ale in no particular order.
They all have very unique characteristics and are very different from each other. 

The vegan was over the other night and she had brought some beers over, an IPA and a DIPA. I thought it would be fun to see if she could figure out what I had poured her. I've got a representative of nearly every style in my fridge right now so it wasn't THAT easy.

First guess, porter. Not a bad guess. It has that toasted character from the smoked peat that a lot of Scotch ales have. I told her to look at the color. Too amber for a porter.

Second guess. Well, there wasn't a second guess but she couldn't figure it out so I told her.

This beer is a BIG beer. Double Scotch ale? 8% ABV and thick. I'd call this one chewy which is a big reason I really liked it. I love beers with body. Too thin is not the way to go. The aroma on this one had a HUGE malt profile, a little spice, a little smoke, and a little BBQ.

The taste had that malt profile screaming sweet while there were enough bittering hops to tone it down. Finally, there was that touch of smoke and Scotch on the back end to remind you of this beer's roots.

Good Beer.

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