Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Meantime India Pale Ale

Quick history lesson. Though we Americans(West Coast especially) have really taken the IPA to a new fullblown overblown level, it was those dastardly Brits that originally brewed the India Pale Ale. The beer is named for the trip to the Indies that was, though quite profitable, VERY long. Long enough that the ale that was taken on the trip would never make it there unspoiled. Enter HOPS! Hops has an antibacterial property inherent to it and the Brits discovered if they hopped the beJesus out of their ale it would make it without any nasty buggies growing in there. Not to mention it tasted pretty damn good too.

Go figure, those boring Brits, famous for their bland food actually created a beer style that is now famous in the Americas for being agressive, over the top, punch you in the mouth and make YOU say sorry flavorful(read, bitter).

That being said this IPA is from London and claims to be made from the original recipe for the Ale that made those long voyages. Knowing what we know now we can expect this beer to not be as agressively bitter as a typical American style. The only thing I can associate with agressive and British now are those soccer hooligans. Who, I think, in a fight I would want on my side more than a rabid band of Raiders fans.

This beer poured out a hazy orangey copper color. Not much in the way of head and it didn't stick around in any meaningful amount. This is the MOST floral beer I have ever had. The aroma was really nice. A little lime but mostly just fresh picked flowery hops. No pine cones here.

The taste was sweet, not bitter. A tiny bt of citrus but there was a raspberry, cranberry quality to it on the first few sips. This beer, interestingly enough might be the most evolutionary beer I have ever had. What I mean by that is that its flavor profile completely changed as it warmed. It went from a sweet, floral, english pale, to a spicy, gingery, slightly choclatey deep, bitter American IPA. It actually had some stout notes to it. It was really interesting.

It had a nice body to it. Not too thick not too thin. Perfect carbonation. I REALLY enjoyed this one. Thanks to the vegan for this one. I might have a new resident in my favorites file! I think I'm going to have to pick up some of Meantimes others.

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